New York (LANS) has been the
world's most powerful secret group alumna which the Illuminati was a lot of
rumors but the first time was a member of the scene of the group stunned the
world that has such disclosures . British newspaper The Daily Star reported
that the alleged member of the Society said in a post on the Internet I was in
the group at the age of 19 years and 47 years removed now live with it. He
revealed that Obama is not a member of this group but the guide 3rd are
preparing for war and are made for the underground bunkers. Even the United States such as 439 bunkers in the world
to avoid the bunkers made. All nuclear attack down the Colorado Denver
International Airport.
I have personally been in the bunker. If the world's richest and most powerful
5 thousand people will take refuge in the bunker. Hidden alleged member of the
group claimed that all the major figures in the world lived in these bunkers
when Leon Trotsky Lincoln Saddam Hussein and other war. Members confirmed that in
1969 the missions to the Moon was real and he really went to the moon but they
were there 7 years ago was also on a mission to the moon and Russian citizens
who were the first moon. Post it also revealed alumna Society sun off shut
off is also a way to find and High frequency aural Research Programmed High
frequency Aurally Research program harp is being used as a weather weapon.
The company is present in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
You will have heard about the harp machine. It is true that I assure you. The
suspect has further revealed that a member of Russian President Vladimir Putting alumna group and control Asian 1918 March incoming Spanish flu SARS and bird
flu-like according to recent pandemics are generated by the same society. The
report reveals that this user has posted on social networking site image name
Stevestig76. That's the secret society like the one eyed pyramid pyramid of Egypt whose
image can be seen on the US dollar.
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