26 Jul 2017

How To Remove Dark Spots

Dark spots which are also known as hyper pigmentation or age spots are common and grow increasingly common with age. They can be frustrating to deal with as they seemingly appear out of nowhere and they can also be a somewhat embarrassing indicator of age. Age spots are flat’ brown’ gray’ black spots on the skin. They usually occur on sun exposed areas of the skin. Age spots are also called liver spots senile lentigo solar lentigines or sun spots. The Black Spot is a literary device invented by Robert Louis Stevenson for his novel Treasure Island. In the book pirates are presented with a black spot to officially pronounce a verdict of guilt or judgment. Melanin is what gives color to your skin. Light from the sun actually speeds up the production of melanin. Being exposed to the sun over long periods of time can cause a cluster of melanin to appear this is how a dark spot occurs. Tanning is also caused by a reaction to the sun's rays. Psoriasis is a common skin condition that can cause a scaly’ itchy’ red rash to form along the scalp’ elbows and joints. Seborrhea eczema is a type of eczema that most often affects the scalp and causes redness’ scaly patches and dandruff. It can also occur on the ears’ mouth or nose. Dark spots on the skin are typically caused by hyper pigmentation or the skin in that area forming excess melanin. This typically occurs when the skin in that area has been damaged. In most cases you can remove dark spots by home remedies but sometimes you need to seek medical help. People are also more prone to developing dark spots on the skin as they age and the skin does not reproduce as readily making it more difficult for the skin to eliminate damaged areas. Hyper pigmentation is caused when the skin has become damaged in a particular area. It causes the skin to produce excess melanin, making a particular patch of skin look darker. Acne or scars can often leave dark spots on the skin that will take some time to fade. Hormonal imbalances like those associated with pregnancy can trigger this over pigmentation of the cells. Spots on the skin are also a classic sign of liver damage because the body is less effective in removing toxins from the cells. Excessive exposure to the sun can also cause the skin to start producing excess melanin to protect itself from the UV rays. If the dark skin is persistent or gives you any reason to be concerned you should speak to your doctor. You should also seek medical assistance if you develop loss of appetite’ diarrhea’ constipation’ depression or fatigue along with the dark spots appearing in the mucus membranes or in your mouth. Wearing sunscreen cream every time you go outside’ even in colder months can help prevent sun spots from forming on the skin. Put sunscreen cream generously on the face around 40 minutes before going outside so it has a chance to take effect. Also seek out brands that have zinc oxide and titanium oxide as they are more effective. Applying vitamin E directly to dark spots before bed will provide the skin with plenty of antioxidants that can help to even the skin tone. Open a vitamin E capsule and dab the contents on any areas you wish to lighten. Increasing your intake of vitamin C will help reduce the amount of melanin your skin produces. Eating strawberries oranges and other foods known to have a lot of vitamin C will be effective. Use a cotton ball to dab milk onto the darkened skin. Leave the milk in place for around 5-10 minutes before washing it away. Performing this remedy for 7 weeks twice a day will help eliminate dark patches. Apply pineapple’ honey’ horseradish yogurt’ cucumber’ potato turmeric papaya or tomato to the skin to fade dark spots. Leave these items in place for a few minutes to help bleach the skin to remove offending marks. Applying castor oil to the skin twice a day can bleach dark spots on face. Use circular motions to gently rub the oil into the affected areas. Rubbing aloe vera juice on any dark spots 2-3 times each day for several weeks can rid the skin of any discoloration. Applying green tea extract will provide the skin with plenty of antioxidants which will help remove free radicals. Green tea will also help the body produce healthier collagen. Create a mixture of honey and brown sugar. Scrubbing the face with this every two weeks will remove the built up dead skin cells that can cause discoloration. Create a paste of glycerin sandalwood powder and rose water and apply it to your face to remove age spots or dark spots. Honey or milk can be used in place of rose water if necessary. Dabbing lemon juice on your dark spots for two weeks can make them fade. Combining lemon juice with cider vinegar horseradish or honey can make this remedy more effective. This remedy is particularly effective on spots caused by acne.

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