25 Nov 2016

Black Friday Is A Shopping Day

Black Friday is a shopping day for a combination of reasons. The first day after the last major holiday before Christmas it marks the unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season. 5 millions of people Black Friday is the time to do some serious Christmas shopping even before the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers are gone Black is the Friday after Thanksgiving and it's one of the major shopping days of the year in the United States falling anywhere between November 23 and 29. While it's not recognized as an official US holiday many employees have the day off except those working in retail. The day after Thanksgiving is regarded by many as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. While not a federal holiday several states observe the day after Thanksgiving as a holiday which means many state and school employees have the day off. The number of potential shoppers greatly increases. Most major retailers open very early and offer promotional sales. Many non retail employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the following Friday off which along with the following regular weekend makes it a four day weekend thereby increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005. Although news reports which at that time were inaccurate. Have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much longer period of time. Similar stories resurface year upon year at this time, portraying hysteria and shortage of stock, creating a state of positive feedback. In 2014 spending volume on Black Friday fell for the first time since the 2008 recession. Christmas creep has been cited as a factor in the diminishing importance of Black Friday as many retailers now spread out their promotions over the entire months of November and December rather than concentrate them on a single shopping day or weekend. In fact since 2005 Black Friday has been the busiest shopping day of the year. With retailers extending their hours and deals every year the crowds and chaos show no signs of decreasing. The term Black Friday was coined in the 1960s to mark the kickoff to the Christmas shopping season. Black refers to stores moving from the red to the black back when accounting records were kept by hand and red ink indicated a loss and black a profit. Ever since the start of the modern Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924 the Friday after Thanksgiving has been known as the unofficial start to a bustling holiday shopping season. As retailers began to realize they could draw big crowds by discounting prices Black Friday became the day to shop even better than that last minute Christmas sales. Some retailers put their items up for sale on the morning of Thanksgiving, or email online specials to consumers days or weeks before the actual event. The most shopped for items are electronics and popular toys, as these may be the most drastically discounted. Prices are slashed on everything from home furnishings to apparel. Black Friday is a long day with many retailers opening up at 5 am or even earlier to hordes of people waiting anxiously outside the windows. There are numerous door buster deals and loss leaders prices so low the store may not make a profit to entice shoppers. Many retailers report some of their highest profits on Black Friday. The black portion of the name Black Friday relates to businesses recording their losses in red ink and gains in black. This tradition lives on in modern accounting software, hence the name. Black Friday Sales go online when their Black Friday store sales start. Some in store only Black Friday deals may not be available online.

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